
Knowing how to communicate is essential for living in society. This is becoming more important in the business world these days. Therefore, one of the factors that most hinders communication is poor articulation of words. Therefore, we will show you 4 Reading Tips for Improve your Speech!

In this sense, with the advancement of social networks, knowing how to communicate has become essential for getting along well with people. Furthermore, good speech is essential to achieve good results, or even a job.

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improve your speaking (google image)

Thus, having good diction offers clarity, objectivity and assertiveness to the message you convey. On the other hand, you convey security about the subject, making people interested in the topics discussed.


Therefore, if you have doubts about how improve your speaking, we will help you! In this article, we will bring you some exercises and techniques that will improve your way of speaking.

This is because a well-structured speech, with good vocal intonation and clean pronunciation, can arouse the interest of any listener. In fact, these characteristics give more credibility and reliability to your speech.

How to improve your speaking?

Firstly, excessive informality, or the opposite, can directly affect speech. Generally, the professional or speaker ends up not being taken seriously. Therefore, we have put together some tips that will help you improve your speaking. Check out.

1 – Making exaggerated facial movements

During speech, tending to optimize, where the facial movements used for this are not perceived, and this reinforces several language vices, compromising the quality of the class. Therefore, try to speak by forcing your facial movements.

To do this, open your mouth wide when speaking, and pronounce the syllables forcefully, emphasizing the vowels. Furthermore, pay attention to the positioning of the tongue, as it can make noises part of your speech.

In short, this exercise contributes to facial toning, reflecting clarity in pronunciation. Therefore, take 30 minutes a day to read texts aloud, always articulating your mouth muscles well. In a short time, you will notice that the words come out clearer in your speech.


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2 – Practice slowed down speech

Firstly, it is worth saying that safe and efficient speech has the pronunciation of syllables as one of its pillars. This way, you avoid repeating what you said, as people don't understand.

This happens because, when we speak hurriedly, the syllables overlap, impairing the understanding of speech. This way, the listener needs to understand what you say, and your articulation of each syllable, when correct, has a lot of weight.

3 – Watch your breathing

The rhythm of our breathing interferes with the pronunciation of words. When speaking breathlessly, the syllables become mixed up, and speech will not be satisfactory. This is because our speech occurs through the passage of air in the vocal folds, and the performance of oral language is associated with the way we breathe.

Therefore, try to train your diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, lie down with your feet elevated and one hand on your chest, while the other is below your ribs. So, inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on making the hand that is below your back rise higher than the one that is on your chest. In short, this elevation is indicative of complete movement of the diaphragm.

Therefore, this exercise can help with your breathing, meaning you will be able to speak more clearly and efficiently.

4 – Improve your vocabulary

Generally, most people need a vocabulary upgrade. This is indicated when there is repetition of terms, excessive language defects and other factors. Therefore, if you cannot improve your vocabulary, it will be difficult to speak adequately.

Also, don’t look up difficult words in the dictionary. This is because there is a risk of them always being used incorrectly in your speech. However, it is essential to have a good idea of synonyms, as well as terms that can naturally fit into what is being said.

Therefore, read books, newspapers and magazines on different subjects, always paying attention to those terms that you do not recognize. Furthermore, look for their meaning and start using them in your daily life, even if it is in informal conversations, until you feel comfortable with them.

Finally, an eloquent speech always needs some tricks. So, use these tips and be able to express yourself better! 
