
Currently, we can say that the world is on the internet. To do this, we use the computer for different tasks and eventually they start to slow down. This way, we brought you Simple Tips to Leave your Fastest Computer!

In this sense, over time, the accumulation of programs, temporary files, fragmented hard drives and other background programs directly affect your computer's performance.

computador mais rápido
faster computer (google image)

Therefore, carrying out periodic repairs on your computer is essential to extend its useful life. However, whether due to lack of time or knowledge, we don't always know how to do this.


A study of the FGVcia pointed out that, in Brazil, there are more than 200 million computers, that is, it is almost one device per inhabitant! Therefore, it is necessary to be careful so that they do not become scrap.

Therefore, we have separated some tips that can help you have a faster computer and healthy, after all, no one deserves a slow and crashing computer, right? Check it out below!

How to make your computer faster?

Firstly, to increase the useful life of your computer, it is necessary to clean the outside and inside. Furthermore, some tricks are needed to make your faster computer. Check out:

1 – Clean the hard drive

During use, a computer can accumulate temporary internet files, as well as error reports, logs and even empty folders that hinder its usability. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean these files.

To do this, use the Windows tool. To access it, type “Disk Cleanup” in the search bar and access it. So, choose the disk you want to clean and wait for the analysis. After selecting the files that should be removed, click ok.


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2 – Uninstall useless programs

Normally, a computer accumulates programs that we don't use, while others we don't even know why they are installed. Therefore, this results in a disk with less space, affecting the computer's performance.

To resolve the issue, simply uninstall them. So, type in the search bar “Programs and Features”, choose the program you want to remove and select the “Uninstall” destination. This way, just follow the uninstallation steps.

3 – Clean unnecessary folders and files

Generally, several unnecessary files exist on computers, and some programs cannot detect them. Therefore, it is necessary to do some cleaning to get rid of it all. Therefore, delete folders, photos, old downloads and other documents that you no longer use. Also, empty the trash to make sure they are removed completely.

4 – Defragment the disk

Generally, after a certain period of use, hard drives have empty spaces between files, allowing the operating system to position parts of new files in more than one place, to optimize the space used.

In this sense, this makes reading the HD quite slow, so the defragmentation process is an “organization” of the files, leaving them aligned, making the operating system's work easier.

To do this, in Windows, type “Defragment” in the search, and select the result to open the system program. Then select the desired disk and click “Optimize”.

5 – Disable program startup

Generally, many people don't know why their computer starts up slowly. However, this can happen due to the number of programs that start with Windows.

To resolve the issue, simply disable the startup option. In Windows, go to the taskbar from the “Task Manager” menu. So, choose the “Startup” tab, select the programs and, finally, click on “Disable”.

6 – Keep your computer up to date

To make your computer perform well and have a longer lifespan, it is necessary to check for new operating system updates, as they come to correct any bugs. Furthermore, these updates allow your computer to be protected from infections and malicious files.

To do this, simply type “Updates” in the search bar and select the “Check for updates” option. With the window open, click the “Check for updates” button and everything will be resolved!

7 – Have an antivirus

To have a faster computer, it is essential to carry out periodic virus checks, in addition to making a practice of not clicking on suspicious links when browsing the web, these can guarantee the best performance for your computer.

In addition to being dangerous, viruses can reduce your computer's processing capacity. Therefore, be careful and always use an antivirus to keep your machine safe.
