
Firstly, we can say that the pinscher He is one of the most beloved Brazilian dogs. In fact, the different versions of the puppy have populated several homes across the country.

Furthermore, we can say that the pinscher is a clear example that size is not a document. As it is no more than 30 centimeters long, its bravery becomes comical.

pinscher (google image)

Although he is small, he is a very suitable dog for homes with children, as, even though they may seem violent, they are adapted to family environments, being very docile.


Even though he may seem scattered, he is an excellent guardian, because, unlike other small dogs, he is always alert.

According to a census carried out by DogHero, O pinscher It ranks 7th in the ranking of the most popular breeds in Brazil. So, check out some interesting facts about this little dog!

Pinscher: 6 Curious Facts about This Little Dog

As we mentioned, the pinscher He is a dog much loved by Brazilians, even if his bravery is a reason for laughter, as we know that they snore more than they do. However, because we love this little dog, check out some interesting facts about them.

1 – The origin of the pinscher

Many people believe that the pinscher It's actually a miniature version of the Doberman, but that's not true!

Although its origin has not yet been confirmed, many dog experts believe that the pinscher originated in Germany. There, the dog is extremely adored, receiving the name Zwergpinscher which, in free translation, means “biting dwarf”.

2 – They are present in the arts

Who thinks that the pinscher It's a modern race, well, you better rethink your concepts! As we mentioned, it does not have a certain origin, that is, no one yet knows when it appeared on the planet. However, some records show that he has been in this world for a long time.


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This is because several paintings dating from the 17th and 19th centuries, found by historians, already feature the figure of the pinscher drawn. In other words, it is here even before the new generations! Well, what we can say is that they must have made a lot of noise at that time too.

3 – They are extremely healthy dogs

Some people don't like adopting dogs due to their short lifespan, but, to the happiness of pinscher owners, they are extremely healthy and live, on average, 15 years.

However, do not think that this data does not require the daily care it needs. This is because, like other small dogs, the pinscher You can suffer from patellar dislocation, due to your size and excessive exercise.

4 – They are dogs full of energy

Anyone who has ever had a pinscher, or at least lived with one, knows very well what I'm talking about. This is because they are famous for being agitated dogs who, at every noise, start to bark and run.
