
Many people are afraid of gorillas. Whether due to their large size, or the evil face they present, they can scare thousands of people out there! But, they are not as aggressive as they seem. So, check out 6 interesting facts about the Gorilla that few know!

Interpreted as the large animals native to Africa, in addition to being the largest primates on the planet, the gorillas They are fantastic animals, and typically divided into two groups.

gorillas (google image)

Therefore, the mountain gorilla resides in the mountainous regions of Central Africa, while the lowland gorilla lives in dense forests in Central and western Africa.


According to the Live Science, although the two types are very similar, they have some differences. For example, mountain gorillas have longer, thicker fur, an adaptation to the colder temperatures where they live.

On the other hand, the gorillas Plains have short, fine fur, as this coat is adapted to humid and hot forest environments.

Also, there is a difference in size. You gorillas from the plain is between 1.20 and 1.80 m tall, weighing between 68 and 180 kilos. On the other hand, mountain gorillas are almost the same height, although they can weigh more, between 135 and 220 kilograms, on average.

Where do gorillas live?

Mountain gorillas live in the high, green mountains of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On the other hand, the lowland gorilla lives in the forests of Central and Western Africa, spread across Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and the Central African Republic.


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What do gorillas eat?

According to Live Science, these animals are fans of a green diet, except at certain times. Generally, the gorillas They eat plants such as shoots, roots, wild celery, fruits, tree bark and cellulose, however, they are also capable of eating small animals and insects.

Additionally, they can also eat a lot. This is because a male gorilla can eat up to 18 kilograms of vegetation per day. In fact, it is worth mentioning that the exact diet of each gorilla depends on where they live.

According to the Sea World, about 67% of a lowland gorilla's diet is from fruits and leaves, so 17% comes from leaves, stems and seeds, and 3% comes from caterpillars and termites.

On the other hand, the mountain gorilla has a diet consisting of around 86% of leaves, stems and shoots, 7% of roots, 3% of flowers and leaves, 4% of fruits and snails, larvae and ants.

What do gorillas do?

Typically, gorillas live in groups, known as troops or bands. A gorilla bank can contain as few as two members, or as many as 50 members. Additionally, these prides are led by a dominant male, called a silverback, who can often be identified by a gray stripe of skin on his back.

Therefore, the known silverback gorilla makes decisions about the routine of its group, when they wake up, eat, move and rest. Furthermore, as he must protect his family in all situations, this cage leader tends to be more aggressive.

In some situations, he hits his chest with both hands if he perceives a threat to ward off the danger.

6 Interesting Facts about the Gorilla that Few Know

Now that we have discovered a little about how people live gorillas, check out 6 interesting facts about them that few know.

1 – Digital printing

Just like humans, each gorilla has a unique fingerprint. In fact, their fingers are very similar to ours!

2 – They walk on two ends without difficulty

Generally, gorillas walk on all fours. However, if necessary, he can overcome two problems. To do this, they use their hands as support.

3 – Long arms

Adult gorillas have arms 20% that are longer than their legs.

4 – Blood type

Unlike humans, gorillas share the same blood type, type B.

5 – They have emotions

Gorillas can share emotions with humans. This way, they create feelings for their family, cry and have fits of laughter.

6 – Synonymous with strength

When a gorilla hits its chest hard, its intention is to show strength, or simply to demonstrate who the leader of the group is.
